Design Fundamentals · Design Innovations · Inspiration · Uncategorized

Flat shapes are…flat

creator: Mother Volcano Now with this piece, I honestly was just looking for a nice flat shape to talk about, when I found this little beauty, a collection of beautifully designed squares, triangles and circles, all flat and nice to look at. I enjoy this piece a lot more than I thought I would have, looking… Continue reading Flat shapes are…flat

Design Fundamentals · Design Innovations · Inspiration

The circle of life (which is symmetrical)

Creator(s): Andreas Preis and HOLY WOW So first off, this is stunning, and beautiful. With beautiful, rich colors that reminded me of  the opening sunrise scene of the Lion King. The use of line makes the lion seem textured and also 3D. by using all the color on the outside,and subtle yellow in the face, it draws your… Continue reading The circle of life (which is symmetrical)

Design Fundamentals · Design Innovations · Inspiration

This picture is too cold!

Creator: Lee Juyong This piece is so beautiful and fantastic, using the same blue in different shades to make the piece feel cold and lifeless, the only other colors being the red letters in “life”, the magenta colored hammer, and the clocks and little dog poops on the floor. The cold vibe you get  from the… Continue reading This picture is too cold!